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Privacy Policy

When you access and use’s services, we are committed to protecting your privacy and personal information. By using this website, you accept the content described in the privacy policy. Please read the following “Privacy Policy” to better understand our commitment to respect and protect the rights of website visitors

1. Collecting personal information of service users

The information collected from visitors through the website will help our website:

Provide customer support when you have specific needs
Answer your questions as quickly as possible
Provide you with the latest information on our website
Comment and upgrade the website’s content and appearance
Conduct customer surveys
Carry out promotional activities, advertising related to the products and services of the website.
We may also collect information about the number of visits, including the number of pages you have viewed, the number of links you have clicked, and other information related to website connections. We also collect information about the web browser (browser) you use each time you visit the website, including: IP address, browser type, language used, time and browser address accessible.
2. How to use personal information

The website collects and uses your personal information for the appropriate purposes and in full compliance with the content of this “Privacy Policy”.

When necessary, we may use this information to contact you directly in the form of: open letters, thank you letters, technical and safety information, you may receive regular emails to provide information about new products, services, upcoming events or recruitment information.

3. Cookie-related issues uses “Cookies” to help personalize and maximize the efficiency of your time online.

A cookie is a text file placed on your hard drive by a web server. Cookies will not be used to run programs or introduce viruses to your computer. Cookies are assigned to your computer and only the web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you can read the cookie.

One of the purposes of cookies is for your convenience, to save your time when you visit our website or visit the website again without having to re-register your information. available.

You can accept or decline the use of cookies. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change the setting to refuse all cookies if needed. However, if you choose to refuse cookies, it may interfere with and adversely affect certain cookie-dependent services and functionality on our website.

4. Regulations on “spam”/spam

We really care about spam, fake emails that we send. Therefore, we affirm that our website will not send any emails without your request or request for feedback.

5. Policy changes

We fully reserve the right to automatically change any content in this site without prior notice to adjust to suit the needs of the website and the needs and feedback of customers ( if). When we update or change the content of this policy, we will revise the “last updated” line below.

The content of this “Privacy Policy” applies only to and does not include or relate to third parties placing advertisements or links on the website. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy and security policies of third-party websites before providing personal information to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the content and legality of third party websites.

Therefore, when you access and accept to use’s service after editing, it means that you acknowledge, agree to comply with and believe in this modification. Therefore, we recommend that you read this “Privacy Policy” before accessing other content on this website, and you should carefully read and refer to the content of each website’s privacy statement. you are accessing.

Thông tin liên hệ với dịch vụ chuyên nghiệp XSMB66:

Thương hiệu: XSMB66

Địa chỉ: 45 Đường số 18D, Bình Hưng Hoà A, Bình Tân, Quận Bình Tân, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam


SĐT: 0782546834

Gmail: [email protected]

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